How you can help

A donation of £20 will make a huge difference to the life of a child in South Africa.
£20 feeds one child an e’Pap breakfast for a whole school year!

Set up a standing order

Regular giving makes a hugh difference to us. It helps us to plan ahead and to know that we can sustain a particular project in South Africa.

Run a fund raising event

Fundraising events already run have included a Christmas gift sale, coffee mornings, sponsored walks and runs, jewellery sales and concerts.

Adopt the GRCT as your school’s charity

This helps children in the UK to understand the lives of other children in the world and gives the opportunity to respond and help. We would be happy to visit your school to talk about the GRCT.

Stay connected

Sign up for our newsletters and get updates on our beneficiaries as well as news of fund raising and other events that you can get involved in.