Catherine Michell

126 posts

Meeting needs in lockdown

South Africa’s lockdown has meant that schools and nurseries have remained closed since March. Our beneficiaries have had to adjust how they operate, as their normal method of distribution though schools and nurseries is not possible. We remain full of gratitude and admiration as they work with such resilience and courage and in new and innovative ways, to meet the needs of the […]

Ermelo expansion

One of our trustees, Catherine Michell, visited Ermelo just before lockdown: “I accompanied Ian and Emma Campbell, our partners in Ermelo, on a visit to Vulinqondo Day Care Centre where we currently fund e’Pap. The informal settlement of Bambanini Village in which the centre is situated has no electricity or running water.  The day care centre itself does have a […]

Knysna and surrounds team effort

Shelley Godsell, who heads up our main beneficiary the e’Pap Children’s Feeding Project, reports on the admirable teamwork happening in Knysna and surrounds: “We are hugely grateful for: • The gift of many brand new temporary volunteers – these volunteers and the timing of their arrival is, as far as […]

Knysna teamwork during lockdown

Such uplifting reports from our beneficiary, the e’Pap Children’s Feeding Project, in Knysna! Many people working together to help distribute e’Pap and food parcels. Many new volunteers. A spirit of co-operation and sharing in evidence with NGOs and churches working as a collective. Suppliers going above and beyond to send […]

Message from the GRCT Trustees

Dear Supporters  We hope you are well and remain so during this unprecedented time. We wish to update you regarding e’Pap feeding in South Africa. The South African government ordered that all schools close on Wednesday, 18 March. The closure of schools has implications for the feeding projects that we fund, […]

“I may be only one person but I can be one person who makes a difference.”

Walmer Township near Port Elizabeth – John Masiza Primary School and St Augustine’s Pre-school pictured. There is unquestionably a huge need for good nutrition for South African children such as these. We see time and again the significant benefits of the e’Pap projects. On one of the walls of the Missionvale Care Centre (also near Port Elizabeth) there is written: “I may be only one person but I can be one person who makes a difference.” This applies to each supporter who helps these projects to happen and also be sustained.