So why e’Pap in particular?
e’Pap is made from wholegrain maize and soya beans. Vitamins are added into the mixture in a form that the body can easily absorb. e’Pap contains 24 micronutrients and four macronutrients which maximise absorption and “bio-efficacy” in the human body. This means that e’Pap will be absorbed into the body more effectively.
e’Pap addresses the issue of “hidden hunger” and micronutrient deficiencies, which can compromise the immune system and interfere with focus and concentration at school.
Preparing e’Pap is also straightforward – it just needs to be mixed with clean water. This is an invaluable feature in the areas in which the feeding projects are based, as it can therefore be prepared in even the most basic of settings.

In their feedback for our GRCT trustee meeting earlier in the year, Siyakhula Educare Centre (below) reported that: “The children have gained weight, are healthier and fit…e’Pap is quick and easy to prepare allowing the teachers more time with the children. The children love the e’Pap.”